The clones were the in-universe predecessors of the storm troopers from the original Star Wars trilogy, though the clones were genetically identical unlike the Empire’s storm troopers.

One key symbol that has become important to the larger Star Wars universe is the helmet of the clone trooper. The Clone Wars animated series (2005-2014, 2020), the last aspect of Star Wars that George Lucas helped shaped (Lucasfilm was sold to Disney in 2012), follows the examples of its predecessors by placing symbolic emphasis on key objects and ideas throughout the series. The colors of lightsabers are key example of the importance that writers and designers of the Star Wars place on symbolism the foreboding crimson sabers represent the Sith while blue and green usually represent the more noble Jedi.

Much like the mythology and science fiction that inspired George Lucas, objects and symbols take on immense significance within the Star Wars universe. Since its inception, Star Wars has been a universe steeped in symbolism and allegory. The Heartbreaking Symbolism of The Clone Helmet In Star Wars: The Clone Wars’s Final Episodes